FDA Surrenders Again…Antibacterial Soaps Ineffective!

Jan 23rd 2024

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FDA Surrenders Again…Antibacterial Soaps Ineffective!

If you use “antibacterial” soaps, you probably feel you have less chance of getting sick. And you’re not alone. Most people believe these soaps help prevent the spread of germs.

But years of aggressive marketing and misinformation have shaped a false public perception of effectiveness for dozens of antibacterial products. In fact, mounting research shows antibacterial ingredients—like triclosan—aren’t any more effective than regular soap and water in preventing infections or the spread of bacteria.

This has finally caught the attention of government health officials.

Last month, FDA regulators—in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—proposed a new rule governing “antibacterial” personal care products. Up for consideration is whether manufacturers must show that their consumer products are as safe as and more effective than ordinary soap and water.

Currently, this proposed rule is open for public debate thru mid-June, 2014. If eventually approved, those companies that fail to adequately prove “effectiveness” will need to change their product ingredients to back up their claims, or re-label these products to continue selling them.

Not just ineffective…but dangerous too

Besides effectiveness, government officials expressed a growing concern about safety.

First, the mounting body of research in both humans and animals that shows triclosan—and other antibacterial chemicals—causes adverse health effects. We’ve indicated previously how triclosan has been linked to decreased thyroid function, liver and kidney toxicity, heart and lung damage, brain hemorrhages, and immune suppression. With recent findings that triclosan impairs muscle function, the list continues to grow.

While other countries across the world have already banned or restricted the use of triclosan, the FDA has been slow in responding to its threat to your health. In fact, one source reports that the FDA has purportedly been working on the rules for its use in products since it was first developed in 1972, but has never finished the job.

However, our most loyal readers will remember us warning of the health dangers of triclosan as far back as 2001. But it wasn’t until 2010—amid forceful calls by health, environmental, and consumer groups to ban this toxic chemical from the market—that the FDA first acknowledged the adverse health effects of triclosan. Considering our own EPA regulates the use of triclosan as a pesticide, we continue to strongly recommend the complete removal of this harmful substance from all consumer products.

Second, additional research seems to indicate triclosan promotes drug-resistant strains of “super” bacteria that attack our body. This may be a good time to review the many factors—including overuse of antibiotics—promoting the growth of bad bacteria and the destruction of good bacteria to cause widespread digestive diseases and food allergies.

Interestingly, less than a week prior to this proposed “antibacterial” rule, the FDA issued new guidelines requiring livestock growers to discontinue the use of antibiotics as a growth enhancer. A good sign that our own government may finally recognize that the overuse of antibacterial substances does considerably more harm than good.

But make no mistake. Man-made antibacterial chemicals are big business. Consider that triclosan is found in more than 140 consumer products…like detergents, dishwashing liquids, hand soaps, body wash, lotions, toothpaste, cosmetics, fabrics, and toys to name a few.

Simply put…the $30 billion U.S. cleaning products industry won’t give up without a fight!

Count on Beyond Health to always stay ahead of the game

Readers familiar with our simple yet powerful model for health know there is only one disease, malfunctioning cells—with two causes, deficiency and toxicity. With toxic chemicals like triclosan continuously contaminating our air, water and food supply, it sometimes seems the “toxicity” deck is stacked against us.

Yet we’re encouraged by this recent progress to eliminate triclosan and other harmful ingredients found in antibacterial soaps from the marketplace. If you’ve been using these harmful products, now may be a good time to consider switching to the high-quality, non-toxic personal care products.

With Beyond Health, you are always assured of getting products free of harmful chemicals so you can finally get well and stay well.

Have you experienced negative health effects from using antibacterial soaps or other personal care products containing any number of toxic chemicals? Please tell us about it in the comment section below.




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