Can Your Thoughts Prolong Your Life?

Jan 23rd 2024

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Can Your Thoughts Prolong Your Life?

. . . the mind is far more powerful than most of us appreciate

Can thoughts prolong life? 

Absolutely! In a 2002 study that followed more than 600 people for 23 years, researchers at Yale University found that having a positive attitude toward aging extended average lifespan for more than 7 years. This makes thoughts and expectations more powerful in extending life than other factors such as low blood pressure, low cholesterol, maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise!

It’s not that other factors aren’t important, but the mind is far more powerful than most of us appreciate. Every thought and every feeling has biochemical repercussions, some good and some bad. Not surprisingly, positive thoughts and emotions like joy, compassion, optimism, love, gratitude and a sense of purpose bolster both immunity and general health, while negative thoughts and feelings, like anger, envy, apathy, gloom and resentment do the opposite.

But how can you maintain a positive and hopeful expectation of aging when for the average person today, old age is a time of increasing pain, frailty, dependency and even dementia?

Well, the fact is that the kind of aging we’ve come to expect is not the way aging is supposed to be. And as you’ll learn from my new book, 'Never Feel Old Again', it’s far from inevitable. What’s become the norm today is a kind of accelerated or premature aging that is actually a form of disease.

The good news is that once you’ve been armed with the right information, you can choose to age in a way that is free from disease, with energy, zest and full possession of your faculties. When death comes, it will be quick and relatively easy.

Reading 'Never Feel Old Again' will inspire you with a vivid picture of a healthy old age and provide you with the tools you need to make that picture a reality.

Levy BR. Longevity increased by positive self-perceptions of aging. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. August 2002. 83 (2):261-270.


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