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S. 1310 is currently "in committee." It is standard practice that when bills are introduced in either the Senate or the House of Representatives they are sent to a special committee made up of Senators (or Representatives) to study the bill and then come back to the whole group with recommendations. Since the committees receive hundreds of bills, many bills never get reviewed. Instead they "die in committee," and need to be reintroduced the following year. S. 1310 has been sent to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
If any of your state senators sit on this Committee, contact them and let them know of your opposition. The members of the Committee are:
Alaska - Lisa Murkowski (R)
Arizona - John McCain (R)
Colorado - Michael Bennet (D)
Connecticut - Richard Blumenthal (D) (co-sponsor of S. 1310)
Georgia - Johnny Isakson (R)
Illinois - Mark Kirk (R)
Iowa - Tom Harkin (D), Chairman of the Committee
Kansas - Pat Roberts (R)
Kentucky - Rand Paul (R)
Maryland - Barbara Mikulski (D)
Minnesota - Al Franken (D)
New Mexico - Jeff Bingaman (D)
North Carolina - Kay Hagan (D)
North Carolina - Richard Burr (R)
Oregon - Jeff Merkley (D)
Pennsylvania - Bob Casey, Jr. (D)
Rhode Island - Sheldon Whitehouse (D)
Tennessee - Lamar Alexander (R)
Utah - Orrin Hatch (R)
Vermont - Bernie Sanders (I)
Washington - Patty Murray (D)
Wyoming - Mike Enzi (R)