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Jan 23rd 2024

New Millennium Conference in Egypt

REPRINTED FROM BEYOND HEALTH® News by Raymond Francis Following is a synopsis of the speech I presented at the New Millennium Conference in Egypt on the afternoon of January 1, 2000. As I was speaking, I could see the Great Pyramid through the window. What a fitting place it was to ponder the next 1000 years of human history, and to project the evolution of health and medicine in the coming centuries. I was reminded that it was in Egypt where man first created a great state, devised institutions to rule a widespread geographical area, organized the governmental machinery to administer large groups of people, and planned and executed the first epicscale projects. It was an awesome experience talking about the next millennium, while in direct view of 5000 years of human history. The millennium is a convenient way for us to measure what we call "time," but beyond that the millennium has no importance; it is an arbitrary human construct, with no meaning of its own. However, this new millennium does have a special meaning. It is special because humanity, by coincidence, is at the same time entering into an entirely new age. We are right now on the threshold of one of the most monumental changes in history. The way we look at the world and ourselves is in the process of undergoing a fundamental transtoreormation, the likes of which has never been seen before. Literally everything will change as perception shifts from a Newtonian world into a Quantum one. The last major change of this type started back in the 1600's when Sir Isaac Newton published his Laws of Physics. This book viewed things in an entirely new way, and as a result, Newton changed humanity's perceptions of reality. Natural events, previously ascribed to the "gods," suddenly became very understandable and predictable. For example, Newton was able to predict when Halley's comet would return. Newtonian Physics enabled the world to enter into a new age and to create a complex and technologically advanced civilization. Newtonian Physics is a mechanistic way to look at the world. It works just fine for building bridges and skyscrapers, but when applied to human health or behavior, it becomes a fundamental and costly error. Any perspective that neglects our mental and spiritual nature is inherently distorted. Mechanistic viewpoints are why modern medicine seems to have a specialist physician for every part of the body, yet few seek to address the body holistically. This approach of focusing on the body's mechanical parts and treating its symptoms does not work. In fact, it is causing modern medicine's financial meltdown, and has made it one of our leading causes of disease and death. Medicine, as we currently understand it, ranks with communism as one of the 20th Century's monumental failures. Modern medicine began during Newton's time, when a philosopher named Rene Descartes researched human anatomy. Descartes suggested that man be studied as a machine, as if the workings of man were virtually identical to those of a mechanical clock. Similarly, Karl Marx, the father of communism, believed that people and society function exactly as do complex machines. Marx attempted to predict society's economic and social relationships, using this concept of society as a machine. Both of these Newtonian thinkers' beliefs are incomplete and inaccurate, and the schools of thought that followed them were inherently flawed and doomed to fail. Both communism and modern medicine were founded on the same philosophical error—a mechanical view of man—and that is why they failed. Early in the 20th Century, Albert Einstein published a new understanding of physics, which precipitated an effect similar to that of Isaac Newton's. Einstein's contribution was to teach us that matter and energy are one and the same. As a result, humankind is now on the front end of building an entirely new civilization based on this fact. Medicine, along with everything else, will never be the same again. No longer can we look solely at the physical body, without regard for its energetic properties. Physicians of the future will be trained as physicists; illness will be seen as a disturbance in a person's energy field. Disease care will focus on reestablishing a normal energy field—electromagnetically. At some point in this new millennium, a severed limb or damaged spinal cord will easily be restored using electromagnetic techniques. Powerful, monumental changes in medicine will some day make such miracles possible, but this technology isn't here yet, and isn't likely to be put into mainstream use anytime soon. In the meantime, aside from trauma care and crisis intervention, the current approach to medicine does far more harm than good. So what are we to do? The interim answer lies in the words of John Knowles, former president of the Rockefeller Foundation; "The next major advance in the health of the American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself." We must all understand that health is not a game of chance, it is a choice. Choosing health over disease is our individual responsibility, no one else's. Tragically, choosing health is something we have done a poor job of, and this has got to change. More than 3 out of 4 Americans have at least one diagnosable chronic disease, whether they know it or not. Sixty-four percent of us take medications (prescription or over-the-counter) for our ailments on a regular basis. Yet, we should and can be healthy! Here is what we have to do:
  1. Stop eating garbage: Stop consuming the deadly metabolic poison called sugar. Cut out fast, packaged, processed foods. Eliminate or drastically reduce white flour, dairy, coffee, and processed/hydrogenated oils. In general, do not buy groceries in a supermarket. Health food stores and farmer's markets are best.
  2. Start eating real food: Eat lots of organic fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, preferably purchased from local farmer's markets. Eat most of your food raw. Organic fish and eggs can also be added to the diet. Additionally, be sure to take high quality supplements like the Beyond Health Brand.
  3. Avoid toxins: Avoid packaged foods, pesticides, vaccinations, prescription and recreational drugs— these can all be toxic to the cells in our bodies. Select personal care products (such as toothpaste, soap, and shampoo) that are made from non-toxic ingredients. (BHN has a list of safe products.)
  4. Get plenty of fresh air, sunlight, and exercise: Exercise outdoors in the natural light at least 20 minutes a day.
  5. Reduce stress: Regular meditation or other stress-reducing techniques must be practiced regularly, because stress is toxic to the body.
Remember there is only one disease—malfunctioning cells. There are only two causes of disease— deficiency and toxicity. Health is a choice and a simple equation. The number of good things you do for your body minus the number of bad things you do to your body equals your level of health. (Good – Bad = Health) Everything matters, and almost every decision we make affects our health in some way. So why not choose more of the good stuff? Health is achieved by constructing a body out of healthy cells. On a daily basis, we must provide our cells with all their nutritional needs, and we must avoid exposing ourselves to toxic chemicals that will injure our tissues. Providing for nutritional needs, protecting oneself from toxic exposures, getting regular exercise, and thinking positive thoughts are the key factors that promote human health. By avoiding deficiency and toxicity, we can keep our cells and bodies operating at optimal levels, thereby there by living a long, disease-free life. Raymond Francis is an M.I.T.-trained scientist, a registered nutrition consultant, author of Never Be Sick Again, Never Be Fat Again, Never Fear Cancer Again, and an internationally recognized leader in the field of optimal health maintenance. Reprinted with permission from: Beyond Health® News email: Copyright © 2000 Beyond Health




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