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Jan 23rd 2024

Organic they deliver?

Conventional thinking is that organic foods cost more, but are no better for you than conventional foods. Numerous studies have proven that organic foods are better, and now a new study in the journal Public Library of Science adds to these prior findings. Researcher John Reganold, professor of soil science at Washington State University, conducted a comprehensive analysis of strawberries, both commercial and organic. Here is what Reganold and his team found: Organic strawberries contain far more antioxidants, vitamin C and beneficial polyphenolic compounds than conventional strawberries; and they have a longer shelf life. In addition, organic strawberries taste better overall, in terms of sweetness and general strawberry flavor. The soils were also measured. The organic soils tested extremely rich in key nutrients, enzymes and biological and chemical elements that were lacking in conventional fields. The study also revealed that organic produce can be raised with the same, or even better, yields as conventional produce, but without all the harmful chemicals and pesticides that destroy both human health and the environment.




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