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Quercetin Resolves Arthritic Pain by Repairing Joints
The only thing that is constant is change ― Heraclitus
We may not feel that different from day to day, but our bodies are constantly changing, breaking down old cells and tissues and replacing them with new cells and tissues.
Part of this constant change is self-repair. Have you ever marveled at how a cut or bruise heals, usually leaving no trace of injury, without your having to do a thing?
But our bodies need two things from us to perform these miracles—good nutrition to supply the right raw materials, and protection from toxins. Lacking either, repairs can’t be made properly and instead of healing, the body begins to break down.
Inflammation is part of the repair process, and when repairs are complete, inflammation disappears. But when repairs are incomplete, inflammation becomes chronic. It then causes chronic pain and further damage that elicits more inflammation in a vicious cycle.
This is what happens in arthritic joints. It isn’t “old age” causing pain; it’s accumulated repair deficits and chronic inflammation.
Taking anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil and Tylenol only masks this problem by blocking enzymes that facilitate inflammation. The drugs do nothing to heal the underlying repair deficits, which continue to get worse. In addition, long term use of these drugs is associated with liver, kidney and gut damage.
Quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid found in many fruits, vegetables, and herbs and the primary ingredient in Beyond Health’s Cell Repair Formula and in Beyond Health’s Quercetin Pro, nourishes joints with nutrients they need to correct repair deficits and stimulates the body’s repair mechanisms more effectively than any other anti-inflammatory or phytonutrient, especially in combination with the pomegranate juice powder and OPCs (orthoproanthocyanidins) found in Cell Repair.
At the same time, quercetin helps reduce pain and inflammation without the side effects so common with anti-inflammatory drugs. Quercetin may even support the production of anti-inflammatory substances by good gut flora.
We recommend Cell Repair Formula for people who have arthritis or any other chronic illness (all of which involve chronic inflammation) and Quercetin Pro for those who just want to maintain good health. Both formulas contain quercetin in its safest and most bioavailable form, quercetin di-hydrate.
In both products, quercetin is supported by OPCs (orthoproanthocyanidins), potent anti-inflammatory flavonols found in many plants (in Quercetin Pro OPC is derived from whole grape extract). Cell Repair Formula’s antioxidant power is boosted by a specially engineered freeze-dried pomegranate juice.
Check with your healthcare provider first if you plan to take more than 1,000 mg. of quercetin daily and/or you’re taking prescription drugs.
Don’t take quercetin together with anti-inflammatory medications since they compete with each other in the body.
DO combine quercetin with other natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, like OPC, pomegranate, curcumin, resveratrol, and green tea; they act cooperatively and even “potentiate” each other, meaning they make each other more potent, so you get more value out of less product.
For a holistic approach to arthritis, see Beyond Health’s blog under the topics: arthritis, osteoarthritis, pain, joints, and aspirin.
- Dr. Russell Jaffe, MD, was the first to link chronic inflammation to repair deficits. See his podcast interview, Rethinking Inflammation as Repair Deficit. Natural Medicine Journal. July 2020:12(7). Accessed October 18, 2020.
- Aldoori WH. Use of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a prospective study and the risk of symptomatic diverticular disease in men. Archives of Family Medicine. May-June 1998;7(3):25-60.
- Kawabata K. Effects of phytochemicals on in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Bifidobacterium adolescentis. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. February 2015;79(5):799-807.
- Francis R. Inflammation: a common denominator of disease. Beyond Health News 2007. Article Archives. beyondhealth.com.
In general, the sicker you are, the greater is your need for antioxidants. One way to assess this need is to do a vitamin C bowel tolerance test. The higher your tolerance, the greater your need for antioxidants.