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20 Benefits of Coconut Oil

Jan 23rd 2024

20 Benefits of Coconut Oil

We’ve been praising coconut oil for almost a decade now, and we searched the world to find the very finest coconut oil available, which we carry Beyond Health Coconut Oil. So, we were pleased to see an article online listing 20 benefits of this amazing stuff. Apparently coconut oil has “come into its own,” since the article begins, “You’ve no doubt noticed that coconut oil is on everyone’s lips . . . and in their frying pans, smoothies, hair, and in a little jar on their nightstand. What underlies coconut oil’s recent popularity is the sheer amount of benefits to mind, body and soul that it promises, and research shows that adding coconut oil to your diet and your person could be one of the easiest ways to improve your health, well-being, appearance, and even your sex life.”So without further ado, here are author Grant Stoddard’s 20 benefits of coconut oil: Capric acid in coconut oil increases energy and reduce food consumption. Lauric acid in coconut oil kills bacteria,…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Vitamin D and Cancer

Imagine if there were a magic potion that was: nontoxic, inexpensive, had no side effects, and worked to prevent aging, colds, depression, diabetes, flu, multiple sclerosis, obesity, and osteoporosis and was proven to prevent four out of five cases of cancer.  Most of us would take such a potion daily if it existed. Vitamin D is that amazing magical potion.  -- Raymond Francis, Never Fear Cancer Again, pp. 311-312.Around this time of year, Newsclips is usually talking about vitamin D and immunity. Keeping you cold and flu-free throughout the winter months has been shown to be one of vitamin D’s most useful and remarkable abilities. But did you know that this antioxidant vitamin can also prevent cancer?According to scientific studies, vitamin D deficiency plays a role in causing at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as in causing many, many other diseases, while levels of vitamin D up to around 60-80 ng/ml have been shown to virtually eliminate breast cancer.Unfortunat…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Two Sides of Cruciferous Vegetables

. . . cancer preventers or giotrogens?Kale is one of a class of vegetables called “crucifers” or “cruciferous vegetables,” and they’re among the most nutritious vegetables around. They possess unique compounds that appear capable of preventing cancer through various mechanisms, helping to eliminate excess and harmful forms of estrogen from the body, supporting detoxification, and even killing H. pylori (the bacteria that cause ulcers and may lead to stomach cancer).But these very same compounds may also interfere with thyroid function and are known as goitrogens (meaning that they can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland, which, in an extreme case, will produce a goiter). Are cruciferous vegetables safe to eat?First, what vegetables are we talking about? Besides kale, the cruciferous vegetables include arugula, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, broccoli sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, cress, horseradish, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, r…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Can Disposable Cups Cause Cancer?

. . .  formaldehyde and styrene join the government's list of known or suspected carcinogens Plastic and Styrofoam cups and containers aren't just bad for the environment -- they're bad for us. A new report from the National Toxicology Program of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services has named two chemicals commonly found in such containers, formaldehyde and styrene, as known or suspected carcinogens. As you might expect, the chemical industry as well as the American Cancer Society urged the public not to worry about "insignificant" exposures to these chemicals from cups and containers. What such advice always ignores is that we're being bombarded with chemicals at every turn. A little bit here, a little bit there . . . it all adds up to a significant problem. Avoid foods and beverages in plastic containers. National Toxicology Program, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Report on Carcinogens, 12th Edition, 2011. …

Q&A with Raymond

Jan 23rd 2024

Q&A with Raymond

Question: In your books, you recommend avoiding all sweetners other than stevia, primarily because of their effect on blood glucose/insulin levels.  However, many holisitic practitioners allow xylitol (a sugar alcohol) as well as stevia.  Xylitol is even an incredient in my vitamin D supplement, and I've heard that xylitol is helpful in combatting yeast.  I am led to understand that these sugar alcohols have minimal effect on blood sugar and insulin release and have no side effects.  Is there any other reason why a cancer patient should avoid sugar alcohols, such as xylitol and erythritol? Also, I have read that cancer patients should avoid oranges.  Why is that?  -- LP, Internet Answer:  We are wary of xylitol, erythritol and the other sugar alcohols. Whereas they don't appear to cause rapid elevations of blood sugar, whether they are safe for long-term daily consumption is unknown. I don't know why a website on combating cancer would single out oranges; all fruits contain sugar…

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Can Taking Showers Cause Cancer?

Jan 23rd 2024

Can Taking Showers Cause Cancer?

Taking showers can cause cancer! Twenty years ago the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) placed hot showers on their list of cancer sources. The main culprit was chlorine. Chlorine is a poisonous chemical, a bleaching agent. Sure, it does a great job of killing living things in our water, like bacteria and viruses. The problem is we’re living things too. Chlorine gas was used as a deadly weapon during World War I! Chlorine is a pro-oxidant that causes free radical damage in the body, a major factor in aging and in every kind of disease. Chlorine and its by-products have been linked with various forms of cancer, neurological issues, reproductive problems, heart disease (including atherosclerosis and hypertension), decreased immunity, allergies, hypothyroidism and lung problems. When you smell chlorine in your shower, it’s because it’s escaping into the air as chlorine gas. Since showers are usually poorly ventilated, chlorine gas concentrations can be quite high. In sufficient…

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Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency Symptoms

Jan 23rd 2024

Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin B12 and folate (aka vitamin B9) work together in a very productive partnership. Unfortunately, government statistics show that 30% of the US population is deficient in vitamin B12 and 75% in folate. This is using the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) as a reference, which many experts believe are far too low. And since they often work together, a deficiency in one means the other won’t work as it should. So it wouldn’t be too surprising to find you’re deficient in one or both, especially if you’re over the age of 50 when both B12 and folate levels start to decline. Because these two B vitamins participate in so many different biochemical processes, deficiencies can produce a wide range of symptoms: Do you have low energy? Feel weak, or get dizzy spells? Do you find you’re getting more irritable or feeling a bit low? Is your memory getting worse? Is it harder to learn new things; easier to get distracted and confused?  Do you have balance, vision or hearing proble…

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4 Health Conditions That Dietary Supplements Can Help With

Jan 23rd 2024

4 Health Conditions That Dietary Supplements Can Help With

As people age, their chances of developing certain medical conditions also increase. Early preventative measures may help you avoid some of these health problems or at least make the conditions less severe if they develop. One way to help reduce your health risks is to take certain dietary supplements that are known to ward off the effects of some age-related health issues.Diet and exercise are commonly advised for optimal health, but dietary supplements can also help you get more of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body needs as you age. If you want to lower your chances of developing one or more of these health problems as you age, you should consider taking supplements as part of your normal daily routine.1. ArthritisArthritis occurs when a joint where bones connect becomes swollen and tender. Arthritis can affect one or multiple joints and usually affects older people more often. However, the condition is also sometimes seen in younger individuals. O…

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Choosing Effective Vitamin E Products

Jan 23rd 2024

Choosing Effective Vitamin E Products

Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that we can’t do without. It’s known primarily as an antithrombic, preventing blood clots inside blood vessels, and as the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant, offering significant protection to the heart, brain, skin and immune system.But as crucial as vitamin E is to our health, well-known vitamin E researcher Magrit G. Traber has reported that an estimated 90% or more Americans don’t consume enough dietary vitamin E to meet the minimal government standard of 12 milligrams (mg) a day. Meanwhile, health experts recommend hundreds of mg daily for optimal health. Vitamin E is found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats and oils, such as pure, extra-virgin olive oil. If you included all these good foods regularly in your diet, you would likely meet minimum government standards, but for optimal health Beyond Health recommends 400 IU (268 mg) a day, an amount that can only be feasibly consumed by taking a nutritio…

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Glutathione and Immunity

Jan 23rd 2024

Glutathione and Immunity

Do you seem to catch every cold or flu going around? Do you have an ongoing infection, like the yeast infection candida, that you can’t get rid of?  Or do you have the opposite problem—an overactive immune system leading to allergies or to an autoimmune disease? Do you have, or have you had cancer?  These are all indications that your immune system isn’t protecting you as it should, and it’s likely that a primary reason for that is that you don’t have enough glutathione. Glutathione is a critical protein that your body produces. It can also be obtained from food and supplements.  Glutathione has been called “the mother antioxidant” because our antioxidant system can’t function without it. Neither can our detoxification system. And neither can our immune system. Glutathione has the following six essential roles in immune function: Glutathione patrols the bloodstream directly killing many pathogens before they can begin…

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