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Jan 23rd 2024

Daily Aspirin Just Might Make You Blind

. . . it could double your risk for macular degenerationA European study on nearly 4,700 men and women over 65 found that daily aspirin users more than doubled their risk of late stage, "wet" macular degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness resulting in loss of independence among older Americans.The macula is a tiny, highly sensitive region in the center of the retina that allows you to see fine details and colors. Without it, you aren't totally blind, but all you see is shapes and movement in shades of black and white. With age, the macula can deteriorate in one of two ways. It can become thin and sprinkled with debris called drusen (the dry form), or blood vessels beneath the retina may push up into the macula and leak blood and fluids (the wet form). The wet form, which is considered the more serious, was the form associated with aspirin use in the above study. (Aspirin is known to cause small hemorrhages under the retina.)Other ris…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Does Fish Oil Make You Age Faster?

Fish and flax oil are our two best sources of omega 3 fatty acids. The omega 3s are absolutely necessary for good health, and most Americans are deficient in them - a significant factor in our epidemic of chronic disease. However, a recent study offers a good reminder that these fats must be handled with care, as they are readily oxidized both outside and inside of the body. Excessive oxidation causes cell damage and aging. . . . it CAN, if taken without antioxidant protection!In this study, mice fed a daily diet containing 5% fish oil (the equivalent of about 4 tablespoons of cod liver oil on a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet) demonstrated increased oxidative stress, which promoted aging and diminished their lifespan.Does this mean we should avoid fish oil? Absolutely not! It means that with high doses, it is very important to take the specific antioxidant vitamin E as well. One capsule for each 40 lbs. of body weight taken with breakfast is ample protection in most cases.Meanwhile, fla…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Glucosamine and Fish Oil for Joint Comfort and Health

. . . a winning combinationGlucosamine sulfate is known for being as effective as NSAIDS in addressing the pain of arthritis, but without the negative side effects. A few years ago a German study found that adding fish oil led to an even greater pain reduction in moderate to severe hip and knee osteoarthritis over taking glucosamine sulfate alone.This result shouldn't surprise anyone who knows that inflammation causes pain, and that a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil is a primary cause of chronic inflammation. (And almost all of us are deficient in omega-3s.) Glucosamine sulfate also has anti-inflammatory properties, but it's best known for rebuilding joints, which heals the fundamental cause of the pain.It usually takes glucosamine 4-6 weeks to have its full effect on pain levels. This is because it works by rebuilding the joint rather than artificially suppressing pain. But give our Joint Support Formula (containing glucosamine sulfate) and Fish Oil Formula some ti…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Fish Oil for Healing Brain Injury?

. . . and best ways you can get more in your diet to improve brain function Fish oil has been creating a lot of buzz in the news lately. This time, it’s not another rigged scientific study, or ruthless attack by the news media. Instead, it’s one more real-life success story documenting the significant health benefits of fish oil. This latest “miracle” comes out of Palm Desert, California. Sixteen-year-old Grant Virgin suffered significant injuries following a hit-and-run accident. Including a torn aorta, skull fractures, traumatic brain injury (TBI), compound bone fractures, and spinal fractures. Doctors offered little hope as young Grant fell into a coma. In fact, they told parents John and JJ Virgin that Grant would likely die from his injuries. While doctors resigned themselves to losing Grant—and advised the Virgins to do the same—John and JJ instead chose to fight for their son’s life. Eventually Grant’s body would stabilize as he spent the first several weeks on a…

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Fish Oil and Nicotine Addiction

Jan 23rd 2024

Fish Oil and Nicotine Addiction

We’ve been singing the praises of fish oil for years now. That’s because fish oil provides certain fats that are sorely lacking in the average diet: the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. In fact, if you’re not going out of your way to get omega-3 fatty acids, you are almost certainly not getting enough. Our bodies synthesize about one trillion new cells every day. Each cell requires the right kinds of fats for its cell membrane. If you aren’t getting enough omega-3s in your diet, you are creating malfunctioning cell membranes and hence malfunctioning cells. Over time, this will have disastrous effects, especially in the brain (which is mostly fat) and nervous system. Now it seems that fish oil may take some of the pain out of nicotine withdrawal. Israeli researchers asked 48 smokers who were not trying to quit to take capsules containing 2,710 milligrams of EPA and 2,040 milligrams of DHA daily or a placebo for one month. At the end of the month, nicotine cravings were down sub…

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Fish Oil Supplements: A Guide

Jan 23rd 2024

Fish Oil Supplements: A Guide

Why should you consider adding fish oil supplements to your daily nutrition routine? This popular pick has benefits galore. But if you're not sure why to include fish oil, how to use it, or if you really need it, take a look at the top questions about this supplement.What Are Fish Oil Supplements?This type of dietary supplement is filled with omega-3 fatty acids. The two primary fatty acids fish oil contains are eicosapentaenoic acid (also known as EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (also known as DHA). Both of these omega-3s are naturally in some of the fish you may eat, such as oysters, mackerel, trout, salmon, mussels, crab, and trout.Why Do You Need To Add a Supplement?If omega-3 fatty acids are naturally in some types of fish, why would you need supplements? Some people may not need extra omega-3s. But it isn't always easy or possible to get a consistent dose of these fatty acids from food sources. If you don't like the taste of fish, don't have access to fish as a food sour…

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Nutritional Support for the Aging Brain

Jan 23rd 2024

Nutritional Support for the Aging Brain

It is now considered normal to lose cognitive function as you age -- to experience diminished memory, reasoning and speed in processing information. This "normal" age-related cognitive decline is contrasted to dementias, like Alzheimer's, which are much more debilitating and include severe nerve cell damage and death of nerve cells. In fact, age-related cognitive decline and dementia are the same thing. What you call it is a matter of degree, and it is primarily a product of our unhealthy diets and lifestyles.Maintaining a youthful brain does, however, require superior nutrition from both diet and high-quality supplements. A brain support program would include the B vitamins and the antioxidant vitamins A, C, D and E. Fish or flax oil is a must, and the need for it increases with age.By middle age, it's best to be supplementing with CoQ10, acetyl-L-carnitine, and multiple B vitamins. (Deficiencies in vitamin B12 are common and often misdiagnosed as dementias or…

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What to Watch Out For in Choosing a Fish Oil Supplement

Jan 23rd 2024

What to Watch Out For in Choosing a Fish Oil Supplement

Millions of Americans take fish oil supplements for their numerous benefits, including cardiovascular health benefits, improved mental clarity, increased energy, healthier circulation, and much more. Why does fish oil work so many miracles?  Because Omega-3 deficiency is widespread; perhaps as many as 90% of our population is deficient.  And because Omega-3s have important roles in our bodies. Deficiency and toxicity are the two causes of disease, and if we’re deficient in Omega-3s, it’s impossible to be healthy. Omega-3s are essential for building healthy cell membranes.  If they’re not available when needed, the body uses other fats, like saturated fat and transfat, to make these membranes.  This means our cell membranes will be improperly constructed; they won’t let in nutrients they’re supposed to admit, or release metabolic wastes that are polluting the insides of our cells. Omega-3s are also anti-inflammatory, and it’s critical to have a good rat…

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