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Jan 23rd 2024

Update: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

. . . 2 1/2 years later, the uncertainty about safer radiation levels continues

When we last reported, Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was still spewing radiation into the ground and water 16 months after the environmental catastrophe began. Now 30 months later, the situation appears to have gotten worse, instead of better.

Fukushima is affecting the entire northern hemisphere, and its radioactive ocean plume is projected to reach US waters in 2014. Radioactive cesium has already been found in tuna caught off California in 2011, and seaweed in Southern California has measured 500 times more radioactive than seaweed elsewhere in the US. The US West Coast has borne the brunt of hot airborne particles with Seattle receiving radioactive fallout similar to Tokyo.

The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred on March 11, 2011, and was caused by a devastating tsunami triggered by an earthquake off the coast of Japan. Granted, it promised to be a challenge from the start. TEPCO of Japan—who had overseen the plant’s operations—has led the cleanup and decommissioning of the six nuclear reactors, of which three underwent core meltdowns. But instead of noting steady progress, TEPCO officials continue to report setback after setback.

TEPCO’s miscalculation…more than profits and livelihood at stake

In October 2012—19 months after the disaster—TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) finally admitted the nuclear crisis was entirely avoidable. When pressed for answers, the company cited in a report their unwillingness to implement safety improvements. Why? They feared the political, economic, and legal consequences that would ultimately shut the plant down.

In April of this year, TEPCO announced a large leak of 120 tons from one of many underground storage tanks housing contaminated water used to cool the broken reactors. They quickly assured the world harmful toxins never made it to the ocean. But local fishermen, environmental officials, and others suspected otherwise. Their fears were confirmed when TEPCO disclosed in July that it still struggled to seal ongoing leaks from the storage tanks. This prompted the head of Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) to acknowledge that the Fukushima power plant had likely been leaking contaminated water into the ocean all along.

Then in August, TEPCO officials acknowledged another massive leak—this time 300 tons—of radioactive liquid from a water storage tank. Worse, they admitted the leak may have started a month and a half before it was discovered August 19. This prompted Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority to upgrade the leak to Level 3, a “serious incident” on an international rating scale. And, Japan’s Industry Minister declared that the government would assume control of cleanup efforts and allocate millions of dollars in funding for long-term management of the contaminated water.

Two and a half years after the disaster at Fukushima, officials in charge continue to struggle with clean-up—a project now expected to take up to four decades to complete!

What can you do to protect yourself?

Though the mainstream media and our own US government have consistently downplayed the danger this toxin (radiation) poses to our health, we suggest turning your attention to the things you can control. Especially when it comes to your health, and preventing disease.

If you’re on the West Coast—or otherwise have concerns about radiation poisoning, or contamination of our water or food supply due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster—then our previous advice still stands. Also, a new study reported last month in the Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology offers particularly exciting news about the positive effects curcumin has on preventing and treating radiation-induced tissue damage. Curcumin is a powerful polyphenol antioxidant found in the spice turmeric. If you’re concerned about radiation exposure, we highly recommend supplementing with our Beyond Health Curcumin Formula, the purest and most biologically active formula on the market today. All curcumin formulas are not created equal, but with our passion for quality, Beyond Health supplies the best available.

Also, if you suspect or are told that there are elevated levels of radiation in your drinking water, we suggest installing Beyond Health's high-quality, reverse-osmosis water filtration system. By reducing your exposure and flooding your system with powerful antioxidants from natural foods and supplements, you give your body its best chance at fighting off oxidative stress from multiple environmental toxins, including radiation.





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