Jan 23rd 2024
Why Flu Shots are Deadly
Every year at about this time I start warning people about flu shots. From all I’ve read in scientific journals about flu and flu vaccines, I’m convinced flu shots are both ineffective and dangerous, and that they increase your chances of getting the flu or other infections. You can read more in my previous articles “Vaccinations” and “Flu Shots – Ineffective and Dangerous.” Now a new study from a Canadian influenza expert indicates that flu shots actually do improve your chances of getting the flu!
Dr. Danuta Skowronski and her research team at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control observed that Canadians who got flu shots during the winter of 2008-2009 seemed to be more likely to become infected with the pandemic H1N1 virus than those who didn’t. This observation was followed up by five studies in different locations which came to the same conclusion. However, it was thought at the time that it might have been caused by a bad batch of flu vaccine.
But this past year, Dr. Skowronski and her team duplicated the phenomenon under controlled, laboratory conditions. They divided 32 ferrets into 2 groups. They gave one group regular seasonal flu shots and then infected both groups with the H1N1 virus. Sure enough, the ferrets in the vaccine group became much sicker than the other ferrets. Dr. Skowronski reported her findings at the 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) in San Francisco, California, this past September.
A number of prior studies, and my own personal observations, have shown that flu shots offer little protection against the flu. Now we have confirmation that flu shots increase your risk of getting the flu. These findings raise important questions about the impact of vaccines on immunity, and it certainly calls into question the wisdom of getting a flu shot.