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Jan 23rd 2024

H. pylori Infection

Question:  I have a stomach ulcer and have been diagnosed with an H. pylori infection. My doctor wants to put me on antibiotics. Is there an alternative treatment for H. pylori? B. D. – Patternson, NJ Answer: Yes. Any infection is an indication that immunity is weak, and has probably been weak for some time. An alternative approach would be to strengthen the immune system while eating a bland diet to avoid irritating the ulcer; taking herbs that heal mucous membranes, like licorice, aloe vera extract, slippery elm and/or marshmallow root extract; taking glutamine to rebuild the stomach lining; and using herbal antimicrobials like olive leaf or oregano oil and oregano capsules in place of antibiotics. For information on using oregano oil therapeutically, see Dr. Cass Ingram’s The Cure is in the Cupboard. Coconut oil is also very good for killing H. pylori. See Coconut Cures, by Bruce Fife, for how to use coconut oil therapeutically. Any of my books will describe the holistic lifestyle necessary for building immunity. Be sure to take plenty of vitamin C and enough vitamin D to get your blood levels up to a “high normal” level. It is quite common to have H. pylori bacteria living in the stomach lining; in fact, it is estimated that about half of all Americans over the age of fifty are hosts to H. pylori, often with no symptoms at all. There are several different strains of H. pylori, and some scientists are even investigating the possibility that one or more of these strains confers a health benefit. H. pylori can, however, cause problems. These include gastritis, ulcers, and even cancer. Why they cause problems in some people but not in others is something of a mystery. Immune competence is certainly involved, but another factor is antioxidant status. Low levels of vitamins C and E and other antioxidants appear to lead to the progression of H. pylori colonization. Also, the way H. pylori do damage is by oxidation, and antioxidants help to prevent this damage. Anyone dealing with an ulcer should take vitamin C to bowel tolerance and plenty of other antioxidants. High concentrations of salt appear to induce an altered gene expression, making H. pylori more virulent. So watching salt intake would also be advised. Like reversing any so-called disease, healing an ulcer requires a holistic program that covers all the health bases, including diet, toxins, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and a complete foundational supplement program. Taking antibiotics may seem like an easier approach, but as you probably know, they do an enormous amount of collateral damage and very often don’t eradicate the infection, especially longterm. By using a holistic approach that builds health, you are not only more likely to solve your ulcer problem, but you are also far more likely to prevent future disease.




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