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Jan 23rd 2024

Nearly Half of U.S. Meat Tainted With Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Here’s something to think about the next time you stop by the meat counter at your local grocery store – there may be drug-resistant strains of bacteria lurking in that steak or chicken. A study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute, found that Staphylococcus aureus – a bacteria that causes most staph infections including skin infections, pneumonia and blood poisoning – are present in meat and poultry from U.S. grocery stores at "unexpectedly high rates." Researchers found nearly half of the meat and poultry samples — 47 percent — were contaminated with S. aureus, and more than half of those bacteria — 52 percent — were resistant to at least three classes of antibiotics. For the study, researchers looked at 136 samples involving 80 brands of beef, chicken, pork and turkey from 26 grocery stores in five cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, Flagstaff and Washington, D.C. Experts say although Staph can be killed with proper cooking, it still may p…

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Jan 23rd 2024


According to a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, approximately 10 percent of Americans are taking antidepressant medications.This means that over 31 million Americans are gobbling Prozac, Zoloft, Norpramin, Luvox, Paxil, and other antidepressant psychiatric drugs like M & M's. This drug use accounts for billions of dollars in pharmaceutical sales annually. Yet according to a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association say that antidepressant medications work - as well as placebos and not more. In other words, people in depression studies who are given sugar pills instead of antidepressant drugs do as well as the group who gets the drugs. Before you ask yourself whether you should simply take a Tic Tac instead of a Paxil, there is more disheartening news about these drugs. Many Americans are taking antidepressant medications instead of changing their own behavior or life circumstances. According to Maryland medical doctor Ronal…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Japanese Radiation

BHN has received many emails and phone calls from people concerned about the radiation leaking from the Japanese nuclear reactors. There is no question that dangerous amounts of radioactive particles have been released and have been carried in the prevailing jet stream winds impacting the west coast from Los Angeles to Alaska and the rest of the world as well. While government officials try to play down the danger, radiation researchers say there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation. Radiation generates massive amounts of free radicals, which do oxidative damage to DNA and cause cancer years later. This is why it is a good idea to maximize your overall antioxidant defenses. The problems with radioactive iodine are well known. Japanese health authorities are passing out iodine tablets to those in the vicinity of these reactors. Because most Americans are deficient in iodine, absorbing the radioactive iodine isotopes can be a real problem. The body will absorb the isotopes wh…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Fluroide - Damaging the Brain

Fluoride is one of the biggest medical frauds in history. Fluoride is an extremely powerful toxin that has for more than a half century been falsely promoted as preventing dental cavities. Fluoride causes a wide array of severe health problems, including cancer, hyperactivity and/or lethargy, muscle disorders, and damage to immunity, teeth and bones. And as studies continue to confirm, fluoride damages the brain. A recent study in the Journal of Hazardous Materials concluded that chronic exposure to elevated levels of fluoride results in decreased memory and learning ability. Levels of fluoride in drinking water, within the range of levels currently allowed, negatively impact children’s intelligence. Numerous studies in humans have found an association between high levels of fluoride in drinking water and reduced intelligence. More than 100 animal studies have linked fluoride to brain damage. The Centers for Disease Control reports that 41 percent of 12 to 15 year-olds have dental f…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Secondhand Smoke - Harming Hearing

We all know that smoking is unhealthy and that secondhand smoke is harmful. However, did you know it can harm your hearing? A surprising new study from the U.S. Department of Tobacco Control has concluded that nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke are 14 percent more likely to suffer hearing loss in the low to midfrequency range. The mechanism by which the hearing loss happens is not fully understood. Previous studies have also found an association between smoking and hearing loss.…

Jan 23rd 2024

Unscientific Medicine

A new study in the Journal of Internal Medicine regarding treatment of infectious diseases found the same shocking inadequacy as previous studies. The researchers concluded that only 14 percent of the recommended treatments are based on sound scientific evidence. This finding is right in line with all the other studies that have found only 10 to 15 percent of medicine to be science based. The researchers discovered that, even when doctors follow existing medical guidelines to the letter, 86 percent of the time they are using treatments that have little or no scientific support. The problem is when doctors follow the existing guidelines, they mistakenly believe they are practicing "evidence-based medicine," but there is no scientific evidence behind the guidelines. In reality, the guidelines are based on the assumptions or opinions of the members of the guideline-drafting panel. Most people have the misconception that their doctor is using the best that modern science has to offer…

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Jan 23rd 2024

B12 and Alzheimer’s...Protects the brain

A recent study in the Journal of Neurology found that people who consume foods rich in vitamin B12 reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s in their later years. Vitamin B12 is found in animal sources of food, which is one of the reasons a strict vegetarian or vegan diet is not advisable for most people. Vitamin B12 deficiency has resulted in many documented cases of brain abnormalities in strict vegetarians.…

Jan 23rd 2024

More Heavy Metals....Coming Your Way!

The U.S. government is encouraging farmers to dump ash leftover from burning coal into their fields. The government sees this as a way to dispose of these toxic wastes. As usual, the government is not looking out for our health. According to the Wall Street Journal, about 130 million tons of ash and sludge are produced each year from burning coal, enough to fill one million railcars. This ash contains toxins such as arsenic, mercury, lead and other heavy metals. When used for farming, these metals will get into our food and poison us. Lead stays in soil for hundreds of years and accumulates in green produce. The results of such misguided policy, dumping toxic waste onto our food supply, will be even more disease and more cancer than we have now. This is just one more reason to purchase organic foods exclusively.…

Jan 23rd 2024

Gingeng Supplements...Buyers beware..

ConsumerLab, in their latest testing of ginseng supplements, has found that five out of eleven ginseng supplements were contaminated with lead and/or pesticides. Ginseng has often been promoted for increasing vitality, and studies indicate that certain preparations may help prevent colds and flu or keep blood sugar levels down in people with diabetes. A range of other uses have also been suggested. But all is not well in the world of ginseng. Tod Cooperman, M.D., President of said, "Consumers need to be wary of the quality of ginseng supplements … there is enormous variation in the amount of ginsenosides—key ginseng compounds— in marketed supplements." Consumers need to be aware of these problems, and unfortunately, problems with quality are not limited to ginseng. This is why BHN has always cautioned readers not to purchase supplements unless they are certain of the quality.…

Jan 23rd 2024

Breastfeeding...Diabetes and Obesity

Women who don’t breastfeed are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. A study in the September issue of the American Journal of Medicine concluded that mothers who did not breastfeed their children have significantly higher rates, twice the risk, of type 2 diabetes later in life than mothers who breastfed. This study is just one more argument for breastfeeding. Another problem is when women are not breastfeeding; they are feeding inappropriate food to the infant, causing obesity in the children. A recent study in American Journal of Medicine concluded that mothers who did not breastfeed their children have significantly higher rates, twice the risk, of type 2 diabetes later in life than mothers who breastfed. This study is just one more argument for breastfeeding. Another problem is when women are not breastfeeding; they are feeding inappropriate food to the infant, causing obesity in the children. A recent study in Nutrition & Dietetics found that mothers were feeding infan…

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Jan 23rd 2024

... and for Extra Credit

. . . more you can do on the above issue S. 1310 is currently "in committee." It is standard practice that when bills are introduced in either the Senate or the House of Representatives they are sent to a special committee made up of Senators (or Representatives) to study the bill and then come back to the whole group with recommendations. Since the committees receive hundreds of bills, many bills never get reviewed. Instead they "die in committee," and need to be reintroduced the following year. S. 1310 has been sent to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. If any of your state senators sit on this Committee, contact them and let them know of your opposition.  The members of the Committee are: Alaska - Lisa Murkowski (R) Arizona - John McCain (R) Colorado - Michael Bennet (D) Connecticut - Richard Blumenthal (D) (co-sponsor of S. 1310) Georgia - Johnny Isakson (R) Illinois - Mark Kirk (R) Iowa - Tom Harkin (D), Chairman of the Commit…

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Jan 23rd 2024

5 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving Dinner

. . .slow cooking at lower heat is best Holidays are times when everyone breaks a few rules. However, you can minimize damage with these 5 tips for a healthier thanksgiving meal. 1. Choose organic turkey. Organic turkeys are usually more delicious than conventional birds, and they're free of pesticides and hormones. They're given antibiotics only when sick rather than as a standard practice, to stimulate growth and compensate for unsanitary living conditions. 2. Use low temperature cooking. Cooking at high temperatures saves time, but high temperatures (over 370 degrees Fahrenheit) create excessive toxic chemical reactions. It's best to preheat your oven to 325 degrees and cook the bird at this temperature until the stuffing reaches 165 degrees (at this temperature any harmful bacteria have been killed) and the meat in the inner thigh is 180 degrees. 3. Make a healthy stuffing. If you need to be strict in food combining, "stuff" with a quartered, peeled yellow onion; a bunc…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Toxins in Your Clothes Dryer?

. . . cancer-causing fumes There's a good reason why many people get headaches when they stand near tumble dryer vents. Prof. Anne Steinemann, a pollution expert at the University of Washington, led research that analyzed fumes emitted from clothes dryers drying clothes washed using scented detergents, with added scented dryer sheets. The researchers found more than 25 volatile organic compounds including 7 hazardous pollutants -- 2 of them, acetaldehyde and benzene, carcinogens. Steinemann pointed out that such toxins are health hazards not only for people living in homes where scented detergents and dryer sheets are used, but chemicals from these products get into public air and go down the drain into public waterways. Acetaldehyde is a toxic emission from automobiles. Steinemann and her group estimated that acetaldehyde emissions from the top five brands of scented laundry detergents would equal about 6% of automobile emissions in the Seattle area. Non-toxic laundry deterge…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Why Isn't the Government Protecting Us?

. . . You're on your own for now! You might be wondering how it's possible that dangerous chemicals are allowed in common personal care products. It's because our laws in this area were written before "better living through chemistry" had shown its darker side, and they've never been brought up to date. As a result, manufacturers can introduce and include any chemicals they like in their products without safety tests. It's left up to the public to prove the chemicals are harmful through the courts. This is next to impossible when you're dealing with a slow erosion in health caused by hundreds of different toxins working together. Two new laws, the Safe Chemicals Act and the Safe Cosmetics Act, were proposed this past spring to remedy the situation. They embody the "precautionary principle" of not allowing synthetic chemicals into general use until they've already been proven to be safe.…

Jan 23rd 2024

How Do I find Safe Bodycare Products?

. . . it can be challenging How about products that say they're "hypoallergenic," "natural," "herbal" or even "organic?" Sorry, but because this market is unregulated, such product descriptions are meaningless. How about buying products at the health food store? Sorry again, but genuinely non-toxic products are relatively rare, and most health food store products don't pass the test. Now manufacturers do have to list all ingredients on the bottle, so you can become an expert on the particular ingredients to avoid. I've written about many of these in prior Newsclips, and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has done an excellent job in making educational materials about common toxins available on their website. (Also see, "Is Your Bodycare Toxic" by the EWG, at However, manufacturers don't have to list unintentional ingredients, i.e., impurities. For example, a Canadian study recently found heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and others)…

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Jan 23rd 2024

The Osteoporosis Drug Hoax

. . . when it comes to bones, its quality, not density, that matters most Many women are scared into taking toxic drugs when their Bone Mineral Density (BMD) tests show a thinning of bones after menopause. This bone-loss is a natural process caused by loss of estrogen. It's estimated to affect more than half of white, postmenopausal women in the US and generally plateaus in a few years as the body adjusts to lower estrogen levels. Yet it's been pathologized as "osteopenia," a supposedly pre-osteoporotic condition that increases risk of fractures.     In fact, the actual increased fracture risk associated with osteopenia is negligible. Even the conservative British Medical Journal has published articles questioning the validity of treating osteopenia as if it were a disease diagnosis. Although for avoiding fractures it's better to have thick bones than thin bones, quality of bone is much more important than quantity (density). Japanese women, for example, have thinner bones than Am…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Does Your Water Filter Remove Lead?

 . . . many don't remove enough to meet current standards I firmly believe that our Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System is the best bargain in home filtration systems available. Yes, there are cheaper ways to purify water, but do you really get a pure, safe product? A recent article in The Chicago Tribune reported that many popular pitchers with built-in filters, including Brita and PUR, don't reduce lead enough to meet current standards. If you purchased one of these pitchers before 2007, it may have been sold as reducing lead, but that was before industry standards required that filters remove lead particles as well as dissolved lead. The water pitcher type filters simply can't do this. Certification now requires that a filter take water with 150 parts per billion (ppb) of lead and reduce it to 10 ppb or less. Our Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System not only meets these certification requirements, but greatly exceeds them. The two causes of disease are nutritio…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Mainstream Doc's Warning About Antibiotics

. . . they do permanent damage and are devastating our health We have more bacteria and other microflora in our bodies than we have cells, and our health is totally dependent upon them. Yet antibiotics devastate these populations and, in the process, devastate our health. I've been talking about this for the past 25 years. Now an establishment doctor, Martin J. Blaser, MD, Chairman of the Department of Medicine at NYU School of Medicine, has come to similar conclusions. In a news making commentary in the journal Nature, Blaser states that although concerns about antibiotics have been centered on bacterial resistance, there is a much worse problem in the "permanent changes to our protective flora." He has urged the medical community to curtail use of broad-spectrum antibiotics which kill both good and bad bacteria, citing findings that some of the beneficial bacteria may never recover, and that this may lead to increases in infections and other diseases, specifically obesity, alle…

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Jan 23rd 2024

One More Reason to Breastfeed

. . . it prevents celiac disease Celiac disease is an extreme autoimmune response to gluten (found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut and triticale) resulting in degradation of the intestinal wall. This greatly impairs absorption of nutrients. Celiac disease now affects 1% of the population (its incidence has been growing rapidly) and has a genetic component.  Spanish researchers studied 75 newborn babies over the first 4 months of life. They were classified according to genetic predisposition to celiac disease (high or low) and whether they were breastfed or bottle fed. The researchers found that among those genetically predisposed to get celiac disease, certain gut microflora tended to predominate; however microflora in those who were breastfed were more like the microflora found in the babies with a low genetic predisposition.  In other words, although the babies will be followed to see who actually gets celiac disease, breastfeeding appeared to be protective against it. …

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Jan 23rd 2024

Rockstar Reviews: Never be Sick Again

David from, reviews Raymond Francis’ book, Never Be Sick Again. David explains the basis of Raymond’s Beyond Health System. There is one disease, cellular malfunction, two causes and six pathways. David enjoys the section where Raymond opens up and tells his own story of disease and how he changed his life. The book takes readers “outside the box of traditional medicine.”  Watch the full review to hear more about Raymond’s simple to understand guide to health.…

Jan 23rd 2024

Udo's Choice Is My Choice

. . . Essential fatty acids in a balanced formula  I met Udo Erasmus early in my search to regain my own health and admired him right from the start as a man of vision and integrity. Like me, he had a background in science, lost his own health and turned to the study of nutrition to help himself. His research led him into the world of edible fats and oils, and his book, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, became an instant classic. Having observed that the health benefits of most oils were being destroyed by processing, he pioneered new techniques for packaging edible, fresh oils that excluded the three main factors which destroy most oils: light, heat and oxygen.  It was Udo who taught me about the importance of balancing omega 3 with omega 6 fatty acids to prevent chronic inflammation, a factor in just about every chronic disease. His blended oil, Udo's Choice, combines several different seed oils in a perfect balance of fatty acids, weighted more towards the anti-inflammatory omeg…

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