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Jan 23rd 2024

Weight Loss After 40

Question: Although I have struggled with the extra 10 pounds for most of my life, now that I’m 42 years old and perimenopausal, I seem to be losing the battle. I’m now almost 20 pounds over my ideal weight.  I have dieted to lose weight in the past, but it has become more and more difficult to diet as I become older.  Please help!Answer:  As women enter middle-age, hormones are changing.  Hormonal issues and imbalances, involving adrenal and thyroid hormones as well as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, that have existed for a long time can become more pronounced.  Sometimes new issues or imbalances begin. Whether longstanding or new, these problems can cause weight gain and interfere with attempts to lose weight.Fully implementing the lifestyle described in my book Never Be Fat Again is often enough to resolve hormonal issues and imbalances, however if you are implementing the lifestyle to the best of your ability and still feeling that weight loss is a…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Ask Raymond Francis

“Hello all...I will be answering your questions regarding health and supplements. Please feel free to send any questions you may have to Over the upcoming months, I will try to answer as many of these as possible.”  Question: I am taking St. John’s Wort for depression. Are there any downsides to doing this?M.P. — Delray Beach, FLAnswer: St. John’s Wort has been well studied and it is effective in treating depression. Regarding downsides, the one you should be most concerned with, especially living in Florida, is it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun. So be careful of getting more than a little sun. It is also not good to take this herb with prescription drugs as it can interfere with their metabolism and make them even more toxic.Your best bet is to stop being depressed by getting on a good diet, getting off of sugar, taking our Basic Wellness Kit, getting adequate sunlight, and exercising. This will take care of most depression. Be…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Adrenal Q & A

Question"Last year I gave birth to a baby boy.  About three months later I had some blood work done just to check my state of health.  The blood work showed that my thyroid hormones are elevated (hyperthyroidism), my liver enzymes (ALT and AST) were elevated, and my cholesterol was off.  I am starting to feel the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (faintness of breath, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, insomnia, hair loss, etc.), but I don't want to take any medication.Is there a way and can you suggest ways to combat this thyroid problem naturally?  Are there methods of treatment I should avoid?" AnswerCongratulations on the birth of your son!  It’s an exciting time.I would recommend continuing taking the Multi, Bone, Cod, and Vitamin C, but I would add the Adrenal Support Formula and our Basic Liver Support Kit.  Adrenal Support Formula works to restore your adrenal energy. It greatly improves thyroid hormone function and enhances your i…

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Jan 23rd 2024

I have a six-year-old son who has just tested positive for a skin TB test. I am not happy with the antibiotic treatment recommended by the doctor, and I am looking for other options.

First you have to determine if any treatment is needed. The skin reaction could be a false positive and no treatment is required. The first thing to do is ask for a blood test. Ask to have a MELISA test. If the test is negative, there is no need for further action. If the test is positive, then you need to look further. If there is an active infection, then there are a variety of treatments available that do not involve dangerous prescription drugs like antibiotics. Vitamin C is always essential, and treatment with intravenous vitamin C would be one option to consider. Another option is vitamin D. A study in Indonesia cured 100 percent of the patients, with several forms of active tuberculosis, by using 10,000 IU per day of vitamin D. Another option would be to find an M.D. who uses Photoluminescence Therapy (UBI treatment of blood). This involves removing some blood, exposing it to ultraviolet light, and putting it back in the body. In the early days when this therapy was develo…

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Jan 23rd 2024

I am concerned about Alzheimer’s disease, and I read that curcumin can prevent Alzheimer’s. I was wondering if that is true and if I should be taking it?

What you read is correct. Recent studies have discovered that curcumin reduces the amyloid protein plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Curcumin reduced the accumulation of amyloid deposits in animal brains injected with amyloid, and reduced the loss of proteins in the spaces between brain cells. By reducing the loss of protein in synapses, curcumin helps maintain memory. Curcumin also appears to act as an antiinflammatory, which reduces inflammation in neurologic tissue, protecting it from oxidative damage. India has the lowest rate of Alzheimer’s in the world. It is not a coincidence that the Indians have a high consumption of curry which contains turmeric, the source of curcumin. I take curcumin every day myself, and I recommend it to you. It not only protects against Alzheimer’s, it also protects against a variety of diseases including heart disease and cancer. Curcumin was found to be safe in human clinical trials with doses up to 10 grams per day. Dosages for optimum b…

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Jan 23rd 2024

I have Multiple Sclerosis. What is necessary for me to start my road to recovery?

Raymond has worked with many MS patients whose MS has gone into remission and not returned. We believe that there is only one disease – malfunctioning cells – and only two reasons cells malfunction – toxicity and nutrient deficiency. Multiple sclerosis, like any other disease, has these two causes and can be reversed with our approach. To start, we always recommend reading Raymond’s book, "Never Be Sick Again". Upon completion, implementation of our solid supplement program starting with our Ultimate Wellness Kit is vital. I also suggest to people with MS to add the Basic or Comprehensive Brain Support Kit. Secondly, having your Vitamin D levels tested. They need to be in the "high normal range. (Note: Request the serum 25 (OH) D test NOT the 1.25(OH) 2D test). Although not by any means a complete answer to multiple sclerosis, recent research has shown that deficiency in D may be a cause as most people who have MS are deficient. Whereas, taking it has not been shown to reverse MS…

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Jan 23rd 2024


According to a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, approximately 10 percent of Americans are taking antidepressant medications.This means that over 31 million Americans are gobbling Prozac, Zoloft, Norpramin, Luvox, Paxil, and other antidepressant psychiatric drugs like M & M's. This drug use accounts for billions of dollars in pharmaceutical sales annually. Yet according to a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association say that antidepressant medications work - as well as placebos and not more. In other words, people in depression studies who are given sugar pills instead of antidepressant drugs do as well as the group who gets the drugs. Before you ask yourself whether you should simply take a Tic Tac instead of a Paxil, there is more disheartening news about these drugs. Many Americans are taking antidepressant medications instead of changing their own behavior or life circumstances. According to Maryland medical doctor Ronal…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Aging Process and Dying

We don’t fully understand the aging process. Some people believe that our cells are programmed to divide only so many times and then they stop. However, we do know that the a group of 30,000 people called the Hunzas who lived on the mountain peaks of the Himalayas, lived to be an average age of 120 without being sick a day in their lives. We recognize there is nothing that can be done about getting chronologically older, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to become biologically older. Raymond, at age 70+ has the arteries of a 30-year-old, and he hopes that at his next check-up he will have the arteries of a man younger than 30. Our mission at Beyond Health is about slowing down the aging process and staying healthy for life.…

Jan 23rd 2024

Aluminum Woks

As long as the anodized finish remains in tact, you are protected and will not get aluminum in your food. However, if the finish gets damaged, your aluminum wok will no longer be safe to use. Aluminum ingested in food is in a different form from the aluminum you would ingest from the cookware. Although you would be ingesting much less from the cookware than you would be getting from food, it would be in a dangerous form that would bioaccumulate in your tissues.…

Jan 23rd 2024


Q: Hello, I am looking for information about breastfeeding.  I am  trying to get pregnant now.  I breastfed my first child for 6 months but my milk dried up and I don't want that to happen again.  I was aiming to breastfeed for 2 years. A: Thank you for your question. I would like to direct you to an article that Raymond wrote on breastfeeding. “Women who don’t breastfeed are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. A study in the September issue of the American Journal of Medicine concluded that mothers who did not breastfeed their children have significantly higher rates, twice the risk, of type 2 diabetes later in life than mothers who breastfed. This study is just one more argument for breastfeeding. Another problem is when women are not breastfeeding; they are feeding inappropriate food to the infant, causing obesity in the children. A recent study in American Journal of Medicine concluded that mothers who did not breastfeed their children have significantly higher rates,…

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Q&A with Raymond

Jan 23rd 2024

Q&A with Raymond

Question: In your books, you recommend avoiding all sweetners other than stevia, primarily because of their effect on blood glucose/insulin levels.  However, many holisitic practitioners allow xylitol (a sugar alcohol) as well as stevia.  Xylitol is even an incredient in my vitamin D supplement, and I've heard that xylitol is helpful in combatting yeast.  I am led to understand that these sugar alcohols have minimal effect on blood sugar and insulin release and have no side effects.  Is there any other reason why a cancer patient should avoid sugar alcohols, such as xylitol and erythritol? Also, I have read that cancer patients should avoid oranges.  Why is that?  -- LP, Internet Answer:  We are wary of xylitol, erythritol and the other sugar alcohols. Whereas they don't appear to cause rapid elevations of blood sugar, whether they are safe for long-term daily consumption is unknown. I don't know why a website on combating cancer would single out oranges; all fruits contain sugar…

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Jan 23rd 2024

St. John's Wort and Depression

Question: I am taking St. John’s Wort for depression.  Are there any downsides to doing this?  M.P. — Delray Beach, FL Answer: St. John’s Wort has been well studied and it is effective in treating depression.  Regarding downsides, the one you should be most concerned with, especially living in Florida, is it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun.  So be careful of getting more than a little sun.  It is also not good to take this herb with prescription drugs as it can interfere with their metabolism and make them even more toxic. Your best bet is to stop being depressed by getting on a good diet, getting off of sugar, taking our Basic Wellness Kit, getting adequate sunlight, and exercising.  This will take care of most depression.  Be sure to read my article on depression at…

Jan 23rd 2024


Question: I heard you talk about thermography.  Could you tell me more about this, how it works, and how good it is?  N.F. — Kentfield, CA Answer: Thermography is a safe and effectivealternative to cancer-causing mammography.  It is a way of measuring the temperature of the breast and of detecting changes in temperature as a tumor begins to receive its own blood supply.  A cancerous tumor will be warmer than the surrounding tissue and will stand out when the temperature of the breast is measured.  Thermography appears to be a far more accurate way of detecting tumors and at a much earlier stage. According to the National Cancer Institute, in 95 percent of cases, a tumor found by mammography or physical examination is already eight years old and has had ample opportunity to metastasize.  Thermography, on the other hand, can find tumors two to three years before any other means of detection.  In addition, thermography can differentiate between a cancerous tumor and fibrocystic g…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Athletic Children with Asthma

Question: What supplementation would you suggest for an athletic 11 year boy with asthma? — Internet Answer:You should pride yourself in recognizing that supplementation is needed for young athletes.I would recommend Beyond Health Multi-Vitamin, Cod Liver Oil, CoQ10, and vitamin C, D, and E. An active child should take additional Vitamin C to keep their immune system strong.I would recommend at least one tablet twice a day.To reverse inflammatory conditions (like asthma) we often recommend Vitamin C “to bowel tolerance.”Athletes also require extra antioxidants.CoQ10 is an antioxidant and would be beneficial to your son’s program.With his asthma, Beyond Health Vitamin E Formula and Cell Repair would also be excellent additions as they would bolster his immune system.As for Vitamin D, one multivitamin will give him 200 IU of Vitamin D and each teaspoon of Cod Liver Oil will give him additional 400 IU.A tablespoon plus the multivitamin would give him a substantial total of 1,400…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Celiac Disease

Question: I have celiac disease and I have been off of gluten for almost a year.  I have been very careful about avoiding gluten.  Unfortunately, I still have lots of symptoms and my doctor has no suggestions.  Do you have any suggestions? H. A. – Chapel Hill, NC Answer:   There exists today a pandemic of bowel disease that sometimes manifests as celiac disease (gluten intolerance).  As you are surely aware, celiac can be quite serious, but it is usually controlled by carefully avoiding the gluten found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats. There are many contributing factors to the development of celiac disease including our excessive consumption of wheat, our poor diets, and our consumption of chlorinated drinking water.  However, the most important cause of bowel diseases may be the irrational use of antibiotics by our physicians.  Antibiotics damage the natural balance of the bacteria in our digestive systems, causing overgrowth of abnormal flora, disrupting gut…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Cervical Dysplasia

Question: I have cervical dysplasia.  Do you have any suggestions as to how I can help myself? B.T. – Tarrytown, NY Answer:   Cervical dysplasia is abnormal cells found in the cervix, usually leading to cervical cancer.  It can be caused by infection or physical trauma, but is usually the result of estrogen dominance.  As mentioned above, this can be caused by the excess estrogen you consume in meat and dairy products.  However, there is another reason for estrogen dominance – the consumption of environmental chemicals called xenoestrogens.  Xenoestrogens are chemicals that have a different chemical structure than estrogen, but they have the ability to attach to estrogen receptor sites on cells and provide an estrogen effect.  Xenoestrogens are everywhere in our environment, so you must make an effort to avoid them.  These include pesticides, phthalates and bisphenol-A. These xenoestrogens are fat-soluble molecules.  They build up in your body with time.  The best way to get r…

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Jan 23rd 2024

H. pylori Infection

Question:  I have a stomach ulcer and have been diagnosed with an H. pylori infection. My doctor wants to put me on antibiotics. Is there an alternative treatment for H. pylori? B. D. – Patternson, NJ Answer: Yes. Any infection is an indication that immunity is weak, and has probably been weak for some time. An alternative approach would be to strengthen the immune system while eating a bland diet to avoid irritating the ulcer; taking herbs that heal mucous membranes, like licorice, aloe vera extract, slippery elm and/or marshmallow root extract; taking glutamine to rebuild the stomach lining; and using herbal antimicrobials like olive leaf or oregano oil and oregano capsules in place of antibiotics. For information on using oregano oil therapeutically, see Dr. Cass Ingram’s The Cure is in the Cupboard. Coconut oil is also very good for killing H. pylori. See Coconut Cures, by Bruce Fife, for how to use coconut oil therapeutically. Any of my books will describe the holistic li…

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Jan 23rd 2024

Antibacterial, Triclosan

Question:  For years the Food and Drug Administration has maintained that the antibacterial triclosan is safe. Now they’re backtracking and asking manufacturers that include triclosan in their products to prove it is safe and effective. What is your opinion of triclosan? – Internet Answer: Triclosan is a chlorinated aromatic compound that kills bacteria by breaking open their cell walls. Evidence from animal and test-tube studies has established that triclosan interferes with normal biochemistry and is not safe for human use. It inhibits fatty acid synthesis. It has been shown to be an endocrine disrupter that impairs thyroid function and alters estrogen levels. A series of experiments reported last year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences tracked the effects of triclosan on mice, fish, minnows and human cardiac and skeletal muscle. These experiments found triclosan hindered muscle contractions at the cellular level by impairing the flow of calcium into and out…

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We Want to Get to Know You!

Jan 23rd 2024

We Want to Get to Know You!

Beyond Health is a unique company in many ways. One way is that while most companies perform a service in order to make money, we’re in business to provide a service. So service comes first with us, and we’d love it if you’d tell us how we can serve you better.Scientist Raymond Francis, our company founder and president, already had a very successful career as an international management consultant when he got sick and almost died. His death was a medical certainty. He was forced to use his own knowledge of biochemistry to save his life. After he recovered, he vowed to use that knowledge to help others get well and stay well. As a citizen, he was also worried about the enormous drain our current epidemic of chronic illness has been on our national economy, and he wanted to do what he could to address and solve that national problem.In his recovery process Raymond also discovered the need for high-quality vitamin supplements. Only high-quality vitamins will supply the body with what it…

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