Jan 23rd 2024
Are you losing your mind?
. . . or taking good care of your nerve cells?
Alzheimer's disease has become an epidemic. Many people today fear losing their mental capacity more than they fear having a heart attack or getting a cancer diagnosis. One in eight individuals aged 65 and under now has Alzheimer's. For those aged 85 and older, it's one in two! Bad as this is, if the epidemic continues to grow at its current rate, the number of people in the U.S. with Alzheimer's could triple by the year 2050!
Though these odds are alarming, Alzheimer's is easy to prevent. In fact in healthy cultures in the past, it didn't exist. The risk factors for getting Alzheimer's are familiar to anyone who's read my books: poor diet, nutritional deficiency, toxins, stress, free radical damage, chronic inflammation, blood sugar disregulation and insulin resistance (from eating sugar and other refined carbohydrates), excess body weight, stress, not enough exercise, particular prescription drugs, excessive use of salt and dehydration. If you take good care of your body cells by addressing these factors adequately, you'll be far too healthy to get Alzheimer's (or other so-called "diseases of aging").
Unfortunately too many people believe medical authorities who say there's no way to prevent Alzheimer's or keep it from progressing. This false belief leads to huge amounts of unnecessary suffering and expense, and threatens to bankrupt our country with crushing healthcare costs.
For more on preventing Alzheimer's, see an article I wrote in 2005. Since then, more and more research has confirmed the pivotal role of blood sugar regulation in Alzheimer's; in fact it's now being called "Diabetes III" and "Diabetes of the Brain." If I were to rewrite the article today, I'd also include the groundbreaking research being done on coconut oil in treating and to some extent reversing existing Alzheimer's.
HealthDay. U.S. wants to buttress Alzheimer's arsenal by 2025. January 18, 2012, Medline Plus (the National Institutes of Health website).
Alzheimer's Association website at alz.org.