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4 Benefits of Natural Vitamins

Jan 23rd 2024

4 Benefits of Natural Vitamins

Vitamins are essential nutrients naturally occurring in inorganic elements, which plants absorb later. While some companies produce synthetic vitamins and supplements, vitamins are most helpful in their natural form, as naturally-sourced vitamins are absorbed better by your body. Here are the main benefits of natural vitamins.Reduce InflammationToxins, injuries, and infections can cause inflammation. Although inflammation is painful, it helps to activate the immune system and repair any damaged cells. Acute inflammation is a natural process and shouldn't worry you. However, inflammation can become chronic and affect your blood vessels, joints, and tissues.Chronic inflammation can cause skin irritation, joint swelling, and widespread pain. When this happens, you can take specific vitamins daily to reduce chronic and acute inflammation as well as improve your overall health. One of the most common types of vitamins that helps fight inflammation is curcumin. Vitamin A also hel…

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Jan 23rd 2024

The Vitamin C Flush - a Critical Weapon in the Fight for Health

Health begins in the gut - the intestines; and, thanks to antibiotics, chlorinated water, bad diet, food allergens, and vaccinations, almost everyone has a major problem in their gut. Chronic gut inflammation, raging like an out-of-control forest fire, causes digestion issues, skin eruptions, weak immunity, allergies, autoimmune illness and a host of other health issues. The Vitamin C Flush is the fire hose needed to subdue the flames so the gut can begin to heal itself.There are many factors today that irritate the lining of the gut, which by the way, is where 70% of our immune system resides. Antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria, allowing pathogenic bacteria to proliferate and produce toxins that damage the gut wall. Chlorine in our water is an irritant. A diet of processed and fast foods is an inflammation-producing diet; the Big Four are major inflammation inciters - sugar, wheat and refined flour, processed oils and dairy/excessive animal protein. Food allergens prompt the immune…

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Making Health Choices as a Family

Jan 23rd 2024

Making Health Choices as a Family

How do you get your family to adopt better health habits?  At Beyond Health we get this question a lot, especially from people who’ve read one of Raymond Francis’s books and have become convinced they want to make some major changes in their lifestyle.  Here are some ideas. First, make time to talk with your spouse or other adult members of the family about your family’s health and what you’ve been learning. They may be “ripe for the picking” and enthusiastic about your ideas. Or they may be ready to make some changes, and not others. You may be excited about going raw and vegan; they may want hot, cooked meals for dinner. You may want to refuse vaccinations for your children; they may want to do more research first before taking such an unpopular stance. Encourage them to empower themselves by reading Raymond Francis’s book The Great American Health Hoax, so it’s not just you who’s supplying information. The Maintenance List chapter alone is worth the price of the boo…

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Nature:  Try It. You’ll Like It!

Jan 23rd 2024

Nature: Try It. You’ll Like It!

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play with your hair." -- Khalil Gibran Before reading any further, if you want to laugh and feel good about life for a few minutes, please click on this great video produced by The video tells us what scientists have recently started to document, and what we’ve known intuitively all along: Our relationship with nature is fundamental to our well-being. Nature heals and restores us, mentally, physically and spiritually. Without adequate “vitamin N,” we are somehow lost, disconnected from life and from ourselves, and this impacts us on every level, including having negative effects on our physical and emotional health. In fact, some doctors are beginning to prescribe “nature” to their patients, and some researchers are trying to determine what exact “dose” of time spent in nature would be optimal! So as we look this month at re-creating ourselves through rest and recreation, it is f…

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Carotene:  The Secret to Beautiful Skin

Jan 23rd 2024

Carotene: The Secret to Beautiful Skin

Our bodies convert carotene into Vitamin A.Vitamin A is a vital nutrient in maintaining healthy lungs, heart, eyes, and just about every other organ, including our bodies’ largest organ, OUR SKIN.Powerful Benefit of Beta Carotene on our skin:It stimulates cell regeneration and collagen production. It is a powerful Antioxidant, which battles the oxidative stress that breaks down collagen and elastin fibers. It can reduce fine lines and wrinkles.A Web MD article titled “Health Benefits of Beta Carotene” from September 14, 2022 says, “Research has shown that antioxidants, including beta carotene, can help maintain skin health and appearance, and may protect the skin against UV radiation from the sun.”Can be effective in treating dry skin, eczema, and psoriasisTanya Choudhary, an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness and Nutrition wrote an article titled “15 Best Benefits of Beta Carotene for Skin, Hair and Health”. Choudhary states that Beta Carotene can decrease sun sensitivit…

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