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Allergies Are Getting Worse

Jan 23rd 2024

Allergies Are Getting Worse

Climate change is making life tougher for those with allergies, but it’s possible to be allergy-free.

A European study published online concluded that allergic reactions to ragweed (the most common cause of what is known as “hay fever”) are in fact getting worse; people who are already sensitive to ragweed are becoming more sensitive, and more and more people who never had problems before are becoming allergic. In fact, in 25-40 years, these researchers estimate the population of Europeans sensitive to ragweed will double, from 33 million to 77 million.

Although this study was done in Europe, similar factors, associated with climate change, are at work here in the US. As explained by Lewis Ziska, a plant physiologist at the US Department of Agriculture, warmer temperatures and higher levels of carbon dioxide have encouraged ragweed growth, producing a larger plant and about ten times more ragweed pollen. In addition, it appears that this pollen is a more potent allergen.

The European study also attributes about a third of the expected increase in ragweed allergies to an increased spread of this invasive plant species as it conquers new territories.

Although the factors cited in the European study can certainly exacerbate the problem, at Beyond Health, we believe the most significant factor in developing allergies is a faulty immune system.

In an allergic response, the immune system mounts a vigorous defense to a substance that is actually harmless. A healthy immune system would not make this mistake.

Many factors in modern life have made impaired immunity almost universal, and this is the primary reason allergies have become a major problem.

Allergies are serious immune dysfunction diseases that can lead to loss of vitality, infections, cancer and other diseases, and a shorter lifespan.

To rebuild immunity takes some work. It means cleaning up your diet; minimizing toxins and exposures to allergens; detoxification; restoring a healthy biome by clearing up intestinal yeast, bacterial and parasitic infections (70% of the immune system resides in the intestines); getting appropriate exercise and rest; and covering fundamental nutritional bases with high-quality supplements, especially vitamins C and D and essential fatty acids along with a high-potency multivitamin.

All the above should be done to maintain health and prevent allergies. However, if you already suffer from allergies, Beyond Health has a sensational new product, Allergy Defense Formula, that offers outstanding ongoing immune support along multiple biochemical pathways. MSM can also be helpful. An approved air filter as well as being conscientious about cleaning to minimize dust are recommended.




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